Fitness Boxing Bundle – FTG2 Gloves


Boxing Store > Discount Bundles > Fitness Bundle

The Fitness Boxing bundle includes:

  • 1 pair – Apex Flash Sparring Gloves – Model FTGS (Choose your size and color)
  • 1 – drawstring Cinch Sack – BB28 (Choose your color)
  • 1 pair – 180″ Handwraps (Choose your color)

Mix and match colors to your style!

*See Sizing Chart below for details on body measurements.


The Fitness Boxing bundle comes with the model FTG2 flash sparring gloves. With Ringside’s Apex Flash Sparring Gloves, you can add a bit of flash to your boxing workout. The full 2 ¼” of shock absorbing IMF Tech padding helps keep you protected and allows you to maximize your cardio and strength training. The nack sack bag comes in red, yellow, green, blue, pink or purple. The hand wraps are 180 inches and come in black or yellow.

Injected Molded Foam Technology™ (IMF Tech™ ) is centered on a single piece of protective foam produced by injecting a specially formulated liquid component into an anatomically correct mold. The result is a durable, shock-absorbing foam that requires no break-in period, will remain consistent over time and will encase the fist in the most natural position possible. Watch our video to learn more.

Sizing Chart

Additional information

Glove Size

14 oz., 16 oz.

Glove Color

Black/Gold, Silver/Black, Blue/White, Red/Black, Black/Red, Black/Green, Red/White, White/Black, Pink/Lime

Bag Color

Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink, Purple

Handwraps Color

Black, Yellow

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